After a month on the road throughout Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Georgia, peddling our Montana fly fishing vacations, Mike returned home safely this week. Being the bold man of action that he is, Mike rests not; and therefore, we invite you to join us at the following events:
February 23-24-25, The Fly Fishing Show, Pleasanton, California: Mike will host a booth.
March 10, Orvis Bethesda, in Maryland: Mike will be at the store from 11a-2p, and do a presentation on fly fishing with us at Healing Waters Lodge in southwest Montana and our 5 day/4 night float trips down 60 miles of Montana’s coveted Smith River.
March 23-24, The London Fly Fishing Fair: Mike and Laura will have a booth at this fantastic venue. We had so much fun last year we are doing it again!
April 22-27, Healing Waters Lodge Fly Fishing School – Fish Like a Guide, But, Live Like a Client: We have space available in our fly fishing school. It is actually a great time of year to be fishing in southwest Montana. After breakfast, our guides will conduct a brief classroom instruction followed by guided fly fishing on local waters such as the Beaverhead, Big Hole, Jefferson, Madison, and Ruby, including some private access. Classroom instruction includes the following:
- The elements of a good fly cast: Loop control, loop shapes, grip, power application, back cast stop, fore cast stop; Timing of pause, foot stance, pickup, follow through; types of casts: single haul, double haul, reach, off shoulder, roll and roll pickup.
- Knots, leaders, lines, reels, rods, indicators, straight-line, swing, tying methods, .
- Reading water, dry fly fishing, nymphing, streamer fishing, setting proper drag, side to side pressure, landing quickly, run, netting fish, over playing fish, retrieving to boat, working the fly from bank through productive water
- Rod tip pressure, how to follow out of a heavy current.
- Streamer fishing: Sinking line, floating line, fishing methods while wading, classic down and across, casting streamer upstream and fast retrieve, dead drift with indicator.
- A brief overview of Entomology and fly selection

Our fly fishing school package includes 6-nights lodging, all meals at the lodge, and five days of guided fly fishing, floating and instruction. single room occupancy, all meals at the lodge, and use of loaner equipment. Our guest rooms have two queen-sized beds, private bathroom, wifi, patios with fantastic views of the surrounding landscapes. Our cuisine is prepared fresh daily by our Chefs and include a hearty breakfast, stream-side lunches, appetizers followed by a fine dinner. Beer and wine are complimentary to your meals. We have an on-site Fly Shop equipped with loaner gear for our guests to use: rods, reels, waders, boots, walking sticks, and even rain jackets. Our fly fishing schools are lead by guides who are true professionals. This select group takes considerable pride in their abilities to transfer their fishing expertise to others as well as sharing their ethos on fishing and conservation.
The fly fishing schools at Healing Waters Lodge are designed for the novice as well as the expert angler. If you are seeking the rich pageantry of an angling life, take a short cut and try our fly fishing schools.